

Bridges do exactly what their name suggests – they serve as a bridge between two teeth to cover the space left by one or more missing teeth. Unlike dental implants, they aren’t anchored into the jaw. Instead, they are anchored by the 2 adjacent teeth.  Your appearance, dental health and the proper functioning of your mouth are all important reasons for wearing a bridge. Dental health suffers when teeth are not replaced. When a tooth is lost, the nearby teeth may tilt toward the empty spaces and change your bite. This places unusual stress on both the teeth and tissues of the mouth.  Bridges, like crowns, help with maintaining the shape of your face, distributing the force of your bite by substituting for your missing teeth, and restoring your smile.

Bridges are fixed prosthetics. This means that once they are placed in your mouth you treat it just like a natural tooth and do not remove it to clean or maintain. Just like crowns, bridges are a 2-visit procedure. The teeth will be prepared at the first appointment and a temporary bridge will be placed. Several weeks later the permanent bridge will be placed.